
Escrow Marketplaces


Active Since

May 2021

Approximate number of listings in 2023


Approximate number of vendors in 2023


Clear web or dark web

Dark web

Predominant languages

English, German

Known admins / staff

Bohemia, BohemiaDionysus, BohemiaAres, BohemiaIkdev, BohemiaNorth

Bohemia was primarily a drugs market skewing heavily towards cannabis.

The site also had a sister market dedicated solely to cannabis products. However, its listings also included counterfeit items such as identification cards and banknote forgeries, as well as a small number of advertisements for exploits and malware.

With the recent closure of major marketplaces including AlphaBay, ASAP, and Tor2Door, Bohemia took pole position as the one of the most popular dark web markets and attracted an influx of new users. However, very quickly cracks began to show, with notable disruption taking place on the site from early October 2023. At one point the market was inaccessible and its users and vendors started to complain that they could not access their funds and were receiving patchy communication from the site’s administrators.

In November 2023 one of the Bohemia administrators posted on the dark web forum Dread to explain this disruption, claiming it was due to the actions of a rogue developer. Many former market users and vendors remained suspicious and wary of returning to the market. Their skepticism may have proved prudent – at the time of writing, Bohemia has once again been inaccessible for several weeks and many dark web users have written it off as a viable option.

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