dark web intelligence for government

uncover dark web activity
gain the tactical advantage
We help government departments and agencies to gather dark web intelligence that gives them an operational advantage over threat actors and criminals. Intercept communications, uncover forums, and extract data that human traffickers, drug cartels, and terrorist groups don’t want you to have.
used across government
Drug Enforcement
Gain visibility of dark web drug markets. Gather intelligence that allows the assessment of the most active sites, vendors, and buyers operating in any given region or internationally.
Customs Agencies
Monitor the sale and distribution of stolen, illicit, or illegal goods from the dark web. Track marketplaces, understand delivery methods, and intercept shipments.
Counter-Terrorism Units
Gather intel from extremist sites, forums, and Telegram channels. Track high-risk individuals, identify the distribution of radicalization materials, and monitor terrorist cell activity.
Military and Defense
Gather intelligence to support military and defense objectives. Gain operational advantage over adversaries and monitor for threats to public safety.
Supplement human intelligence with data from the dark web. Gather the dark web intelligence you need to combat clandestine activity and execute your mission.
Government Departments
Monitor the dark web for threats against your organization, including data leaks or cybercriminals targeting public bodies from the dark web.

Enroll in our dark web academy
We train investigators on how to use our tools to gather intelligence from the dark web. If you are new to dark web investigations or want to improve your skillset, we can help.
monitor the dark web
Our dark web monitoring solution allows government departments and agencies to continuously search the dark web for threats to national infrastructure and citizens.
national security
Monitor extremist sites and dark web forums for key terms that could indicate and nation-level threat.
leaked data
Monitor dark web forums, markets, and paste sites for government or citizen data that has been stolen or leaked.
Monitor dark web forum conversations for indicators of compromise in government networks and infrastructure.

Get your dark web risk report
Get a free, top-level overview of how your organization’s dark web exposure, in minutes. Fill in this quick form for an automated report on where you are exposed on the dark web and the corresponding level of risk.
built for investigators
Built to be used by investigators regardless of technical expertise. Immediately onboard your team, make standard operating procedures within the product, and start gathering dark web intelligence.
Gain immediate access to thousands of dark web sites, marketplaces, and forums. Including historic data that has been indexed over 15 years, which is accessible even if it has been deleted from the source.
Gain the upper hand over cybercriminals without putting your people or infrastructure at risk, with a safe environment for them to pursue investigations on the dark web without having to interact with live sites.

request a copy of the practitioner’s guide to the dark web
We publish an annual edition of The Practitioner’s Guide to the Dark Web to inform dark web investigators on the latest updates on dark web markets, forums, ransomware leak sites, hacktivist groups, and intelligence gathering techniques.

learn more about crime on the dark web
Visit our knowledge base, The Dark Web Hub, to find out more about dark web markets, forums, ransomware leak sites, and more. View profiles of some of the most notorious dark web sites.
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