Watch Dr. Gareth Owenson, world-leading dark web researcher, as he sheds light on how law enforcement can uncover criminal activity on the deep and dark web and gather online dark web intelligence to bring cybercriminals to real-world justice.
key takeaways:
- An overview of Tor and how it’s used by cybercriminals.
- The latest dark web investigations and evidence collection methods.
- Techniques to defeat Tor operators, unmask IPs, and unmask adversaries.
Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from our expert speaker – Dr. Gareth Owenson, co-founder and CTO of Searchlight Cyber, and a world leader in Tor dark web research. Dr. Owenson advises governments, military, and law enforcement agencies on dark web technologies and is responsible for the technical product and research development that have put Searchlight Cyber at the forefront of dark web investigative and intelligence efforts.

Gareth Owenson
Searchlight Cyber Co-founder and CTO

Julian Smith
Former Sr. Account Manager, Public Sector at Searchlight Cyber

Alex Blackman
Head of Product Marketing at Searchlight Cyber