[On-demand] Spotting Insider Threats on the Dark Web

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Watch Searchlight Cyber’s Threat Intelligence Engineers as they explain why more organizations need to search outside their perimeter to detect insider threats – namely on the dark web where criminals believe they can act with impunity. They will share actual incidents they have observed on the dark web, and reveal where you find posts made by employees undermining the security of their organization, as well as cybercriminals trying to recruit insiders.



  • An overview of how the dark web is used by malicious insiders and their motives
  • Learn how to detect posts by internal actors and criminals recruiting employees
  • Defensive strategies, such as monitoring Tor traffic to and from your network
  • Identify insider threat in the “pre-attack stage” with dark web monitoring




Rob Fitzsimons - Searchlight Cyber

Rob Fitzsimons

Senior Threat Intelligence Engineer at Searchlight Cyber

Joe Honey - Searchlight Cyber

Joe Honey

Threat Intelligence Engineer at Searchlight Cyber

Alex Blackman - Searchlight Cyber

Alex Blackman

Head of Product Marketing at Searchlight Cyber